Acne is one of the misfortunes of adolescence. For some people skin blemishes occur in adult life as well. While not life threatening, acne can leave life-long emotional and physical scars — a reminder of the embarrassment and self-consciousness that came with the pimples. No one wants to get zits.
Approximately 90% of all adolescents and 25% of all adults experience acne at some point in their lives. It’s one of the most extensive medical conditions in the world, and is responsible for about 30% of all visits to the dermatologists. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to treat. Traditional therapies have a variety of side effects and sometimes require months to work, if they work at all. Topical creams and lotions can cause redness and irritation. Oral antibiotics can cause stomach upset, light sensitivity and yeast infections in women, and studies indicate about 40% of skin bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics, making them a doubtful ally in the fight against skin breakouts.
Acne Surgery for scarring and ice pick sars can be improved by Subcision, Punch Excision, Microneedling, Dermabrasion, and Medical Grade Microdermabrasion. Additional destructive (ablative) treatments can also include Chemodestruction such as a deep Chemical Peel utilizing agents such as 25% and higher of Tricholo-Acetic Acid, or Phenol. A CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Laser Resurfacing) may also be performed. Deep Chemical peels, Laser Resurfacing & Dermabrasion all carry a significantly greater risk of post-procedure complications and down time, including scarring, discoloration and irregular healing.