Let’s face it, excess body hair can be unsightly and embarrassing. Shaving, plucking, waxing and depilatory creams provide temporary fixes that are inconvenient, irritating, messy and only temporary. Electrolysis is time consuming, sometimes painful, and is useful only in removing hair from small areas.
Excess and unwanted hair is a common problem. Women frequently experience this condition on the face, especially the upper lip or eyebrow area, in the bikini area, under the arms or on the legs. Men often wish to rid themselves of hair on their back or chest. They too may have unwanted hair between their eyebrows or on other parts of their face.
Advanced technology lasers and light sources are rapidly changing hair removal treatment, providing gentle, non-invasive and long-lasting solutions to unwanted hair. Among laser and light-based devices, the Vasculight SR IPL™ and/or Nd YAG Laser provide safety, superior results and patient satisfaction.
What is unwanted hair?
Unwanted hair is a problem shared by both men and women. In many cases the condition runs in families. Race can also be a factor — whites are more prone to having excess facial hair than are Asians and blacks. Some people experience unwanted or excess hair from the time they reach puberty; others find it to be a condition that gets worse with age. Some women experience additional hair growth during pregnancy or menopause. Women who experience sudden hair growth should consult with their physicians, as this may be a sign of other medical conditions.
Hair does not come in any one size or type. Follicles in different parts of the body produce differing types of hair. Hair can grow in thick, bushy patches or in long thin strands. In addition, hair is produced in follicles that can be found at different depths and densities — as close to the skin’s surface as a millimeter or as deep as five millimeters or more. Until recently, this great variety in hair types and body locations made long-lasting hair removal a significant challenge.